Torch corals are a popular addition to many saltwater aquariums. These corals are known for their long, flowing tentacles that sway in the current, creating a mesmerizing effect. However, many aquarium owners wonder if it is safe for torch corals to touch and be kept together, or if they need to be kept separate from each other and other corals.

According to experts, torch corals can be kept together in the same aquarium, but it is important to provide them with enough space to spread out. It is recommended to keep them separate from other corals in the aquarium and allow plenty of space between different species, including other Euphyllia species. This is because torch corals are sometimes known to cause chaos inside aquariums.

In addition to providing enough space, it is important to ensure that torch corals have the right water parameters. By following general guidelines, aquarium owners can successfully keep torch corals in their aquariums and enjoy their beautiful, swaying tentacles.

-Understanding Corals

-Torch Corals

-Effects of Torch Corals Touching

-Preventing Damage

Blue Tip Indo Gold Torch - Cut To Order
Pink Tip Green Center Torch

Torch Corals

Torch corals, also known as Euphyllia glabrescens, are a popular choice for reef aquarium enthusiasts due to their vibrant colors and unique appearance. They are a large polyp stony (LPS) coral that can grow up to 12 inches in length and have long, flowing tentacles that move gracefully in the water.


Torch corals are known for their bright, fluorescent colors, which can range from green to pink to orange. They have a hard, calcified skeleton that provides them with structure and protection. Their tentacles are equipped with stinging cells called nematocysts, which they use to capture prey.

One interesting characteristic of torch corals is that they can retract their tentacles into their body when they feel threatened or stressed. This is a defense mechanism that allows them to protect themselves from predators or other corals that may be encroaching on their space.

Care Requirements

When it comes to caring for torch corals, there are a few things to keep in mind. First and foremost, they require a moderate to high level of light, as they are photosynthetic and rely on light to produce energy. They also require a moderate level of water flow, as stagnant water can lead to algae growth and other issues.

It is important to note that torch corals can be aggressive towards other corals, and may sting neighboring corals if they come into contact. As such, it is recommended to keep them separate from other corals in the aquarium, and allow plenty of space between different species.

In terms of feeding, torch corals are primarily photosynthetic, but they can also benefit from supplemental feeding. They can be fed small pieces of meaty foods, such as brine shrimp or mysis shrimp, once or twice a week.

Overall, torch corals are a beautiful and fascinating addition to any reef aquarium. With proper care and attention, they can thrive and provide years of enjoyment for their owners.

Torch with Clown fish

Effects of Torch Corals Touching 

Physical Damage

When two torch corals touch each other, they can cause physical damage to each other. The long stinging tentacles of the torch coral can touch and damage the tissue of the neighboring coral. This can lead to tissue necrosis, which can be fatal for the coral. If the corals are too close to each other, they can also compete for space and light, which can further stress them and cause damage.

It is important to ensure that torch corals are placed at a safe distance from each other to prevent physical damage. If the corals are already touching, they should be carefully separated to prevent further damage.

Chemical Interactions

Torch corals can also have chemical interactions when they touch each other. They release chemicals that can be harmful to other corals, especially if they are different species. This can lead to a phenomenon known as chemical warfare, where corals release toxins to compete for space and resources.

It is important to keep torch corals at a safe distance from other corals to prevent chemical interactions. If torch corals are placed too close to other corals, they can release toxins that can harm the other corals. It is also important to avoid placing torch corals next to sensitive corals such as SPS or LPS corals.

In summary, torch corals touching each other can lead to physical damage and chemical interactions that can be harmful to the corals. It is important to keep torch corals at a safe distance from each other and other sensitive corals to prevent damage and ensure the health of the aquarium.

Preventing Damage

Torch corals are beautiful and fascinating creatures that can add a lot of character to a reef aquarium. However, they can also be quite aggressive towards neighboring corals, and if not properly cared for, they can cause significant damage to other aquatic life. Here are some tips to help prevent damage caused by torch corals.

Proper Placement

One of the most important things to consider when keeping torch corals is their placement within the aquarium. They should be placed in a location where they have plenty of space to grow without coming into contact with other corals. It is best to keep them away from other Euphyllia species, as well as other aggressive corals.

Torch corals should also be placed in an area of the aquarium where they can receive moderate water flow. This will help to prevent debris from accumulating on their tentacles, which can cause irritation and damage to nearby corals.

Regular Monitoring

Regular monitoring of the aquarium is essential when keeping torch corals. This includes monitoring water quality, temperature, and salinity levels to ensure that they remain within the appropriate range for the species.

It is also important to keep an eye on the growth of the torch coral and any neighboring corals. If the torch coral begins to encroach on other corals, it may be necessary to move it to a different location within the aquarium.

By following these tips, aquarists can help prevent damage caused by torch corals and ensure that they remain a beautiful and healthy addition to their reef aquarium.


In conclusion, it is important to consider the placement of torch corals in an aquarium to avoid any potential issues with neighboring corals. Torch corals are aggressive and will sting other corals, except for other Euphyllia corals. Therefore, it is best to keep them away from other types of corals.

Moderate water flow is ideal for torch corals, and they require moderate to high lighting. They can also benefit from regular feeding, especially with meaty foods like mysis shrimp or brine shrimp.

When adding torch corals to an aquarium, it is important to acclimate them slowly to their new environment. This can be done by placing them in a separate container and gradually adding small amounts of water from the aquarium over a period of several hours.

Overall, torch corals are a beautiful and unique addition to a saltwater aquarium, but it is important to take precautions when placing them in the tank to ensure the health and safety of all the inhabitants.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can torch corals touch other types of coral?

Torch corals are known to be aggressive and can sting other types of coral. It is not recommended to place torch corals next to other corals in the aquarium. Some corals that are particularly sensitive to the sting of torch corals include acroporas, montiporas, and other small polyp stony corals.

Is it safe for torch corals to touch rocks?

Torch corals can touch rocks without any problem. They will not harm the rocks or be harmed by them. In fact, rocks can provide a good anchor for the torch coral.

Should torch corals be placed near other corals?

It is not recommended to place torch corals near other corals. Torch corals are known to be aggressive and can sting other corals. They should be given enough space so that they do not come into contact with other corals.

Will torch corals sting fish in the aquarium?

Torch corals are not known to sting fish in the aquarium. However, it is important to note that some fish may nip at the torch coral, which can cause it to become stressed and potentially die.

Can different types of hammer corals touch each other?

Different types of hammer corals can touch each other without any problem. They will not harm each other or be harmed by each other. In fact, they can even grow together and form a beautiful colony.

What corals are compatible with frogspawn coral?

Frogspawn coral is compatible with a variety of other corals, including other large polyp stony corals such as torch corals, hammer corals, and bubble corals. However, it is important to keep in mind that some corals may be more sensitive than others and may not be able to tolerate the sting of the frogspawn coral. It is always best to research the compatibility of different corals before placing them together in the aquarium.

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